Monday, March 3, 2014


Unfortunately last night and all day today and again tonight, I've been in excruciating endo pain. Waiting for the pharmacy to call with another, stronger medication. The pain of endo is nearly indescribable, no words seem to describe the sensation sufficiently nor the amount of pain. Here I was last night with Tink laying right on me, all cuddled, 
knowing I didn't feel good.

After work I was having someone over for dinner. Before my guest came over, I went in the backyard to relieve some stress, which resulted in making some wishes and taking to a doggie.

My lovely dinner guest not only brought me amazing flowers and super intriguing dinner conversation. It was the best meal I've ever made, and a completely paleo meal at that!! 
So proud of myself

The topic for the ENDOMETRIOSIS AWARENESS month photo challenge is:


This picture was taken several years ago, my birthday at a yummy local Mexican restaurant. I had just opened a birthday gift of going to culinary classes!! I was ecstatic and really enjoyed this dinner- a lot of laughter. 
It was also interesting to have 
wiped cream shoved 
in my face!! LOL! 
Anyhow it felt like the perfect picture 
to share for today's thought.

My goal was to end each blog post with an inspiration quote...  tonight I want to end on the simple sentiment that:

"TODAY is Day one."

Thank you all for reading. 

Fingers crossed for some pain relief to wash across me tonight, some time super soon.

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