Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Doctor Appointment This Afternoon. . .

As much as I am looking forward to seeing my doctor this afternoon, there is still some anxiety. Generally lately doctor appointments don't end with good news... I am excited to see this doctor because she was the one originally who came up with endo as being a possible and probable diagnosis, and I haven't seen her since I had my endo surgery (I had a laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and ablation) earlier this year. I am however, not looking forward to telling her that I do not feel that much better... I have been doing a lot of research so we shall see what she thinks, but it will be nice to get back to a doctor whom actually listens to me and seems to care about how I'm feeling (so sad that that has become such a novel concept in the field of medicine!!!).

Anywho, I found the following quote about endo, and I think that this is the only quote that actually can encompass the effect of endo on those who suffer with it!!

“Endometriosis affects women during the prime years of their lives, a time when they should be finishing an education, starting and maintaining a career, building relationships and perhaps have a family. For these women to have their productivity affected, their quality of life compromised and their chances for starting a family reduced, is something society can no longer afford to ignore. It is time we see serious investment in preventing this debilitating condition in the next generation of women”,
- Dr Stephen Kennedy, WERF trustee

Also I found this quote, as a food for thought thing, to throw out there... I think its interesting, and possibly what we must do when we with endo grow sick and tired, of being sick and tired:

The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.
- Roseanne Barr

Most of the doctors I have seen have had their concern for my health very low on their priority list, which is curoius, so I wonder how is it that we take control of our own health story and experience??

I think the below picture shows how I feel about my own health experience thus far...

Sending hugs out there to my endo sisters!!! :) ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I love Roseanne Barr. I've been watching Roseanne on Netflix. Love it! Good luck with your appointment today. :)

  2. I love Roseanne also!! The end sure is emotional!! I love how brash and sensitive they are! Dan is my favorite!! :)
