Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Beginning of the End(o)

When I was going to college I decided that my passion was found while helping seniors, whether independent seniors to remain in their own homes, or the seniors experiencing cognitive decline towards the end of their life. While this work CAN be very rewarding (although sometimes rarely), it is also quite taxing. It is very emotional to be involved with people during the hardest part, and likely the end, of their lives.

For the past few years while dealing with my own health problems (endo), it has completely taken my passion from me. It is nearly impossible to feel so physically miserable myself that to go to work everyday and worry about everybody else's needs. This lack of physical comfort or even medicinal relief has turned me into the hardened, cynical social worker that I had vowed to not let myself become.

I have only worked in my current position for 3 1/2 years and am already miles past burnt out. With not feeling good phsyically, or emotionally, most of the time, my career lifespan already feels spent.

The quote that I think expresses this the most is:

“Endometriosis affects women during the prime years of their lives, a time when they should be finishing an education, starting and maintaining a career, building relationships and perhaps have a family. For these women to have their productivity affected, their quality of life compromised and their chances for starting a family reduced, is something society can no longer afford to ignore. It is time we see serious investment in preventing this debilitating condition in the next generation of women”,
- Dr Stephen Kennedy, WERF trustee

Until endometriosis started affecting my daily life so severely I saw myself doing this for the rest of my life, and happily so; however, unfortunately with the turn things have taken I can barely see myself doing this tomorrow even!!

Well, off to work on my Promoting Mental Health and Preventing Senior Suicide presentation for tomrrow's staff meeting.

And just because my cat is the cutest thing I've ever seen and he makes me feel a little better, thought I'd attach his little mug here!! :)

Hugs to all my endo friends!!!!! :)

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