Friday, January 31, 2014

Tearless Grief Bleeds Inwardly, part 1

It has been such an incredibly indescribable week! I've been dying to blog about what's been going on but wanted to wait until a bit of time had passed in this new state to confirm it was more than a fluke of a day or two...following are some pictures that show pretty well how I was feeling due to exhaustion, nearly constant nausea and pain due to ENDOMETRIOSIS.

Last week, in kind of an 'all of a sudden' type way, I began toying with the idea of piercing my nose. I stumbled upon an article about ancient Indian and Ayurvedic tradition that explains that the left nostril on women is directly connected to the health and fertility of the female reproductive and sexual organs, frequently piercing the left nostril in instances of difficulty conceiving. The second I read that I knew I needed to do this, for my ENDOMETRIOSIS. It touched me on such a deep, personal, soul level that I went out Saturday, found the ideal tattoo and piercing shop for me (which could be a post in itself) and got it done. 

Not only do I love the jewelry I chose, just a small stud with "diamond" stone, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE it aesthetically.

On this day I more than pierced my nose...which I openly and honestly discussed with my piercer... I made a sincere and seriously hope-filled wish that this would help me physically, which would help me in ALL ways.

Below is my sweet little piercing right after I had it done! It was so very exciting and scary at the same time. 

Wait a minute...piercing one's nose to help ENDOMETRIOSIS sounds crazy...even to me...but so does having two surgeries, one total hysterectomy, an unsuccessful post-hysterectomy biopsy, and two bouts of chemically induced MENOPAUSE...

Come to think of it, should this piercing thing offer any relief, it sounds the least crazy of the things I've listed above, but a nose piercing can't help so much in that kind of way, it just can't.



(we're about to get personal lol)

Tomorrow afternoon will mark one week that I had the piercing done and week also mean the beginning of my physical revolution and successful revolt against endo. 

~No nausea

~No bleeding

~No pain going to the bathroom

~No cramps

~ No vomiting

~No debilitating pain

AND this is ALL on NO meds
(Not including what I MUST take for sleep and the herbal supplement I take to help 
with my ADD)

For the first time in months, if not years, I felt like I wanted to wear a dress. And not only that I felt good, like I even looked good, in that dress! 
This may not seemingly be that important or significant, BUT because of the recent and significant absence of the ENDOMETRIOSIS and all the ways it had impacted my life, it led to my HATING being a girl, a woman, because it had tossed so much havoc into my life and my body. 

I found myself through most of my week putting in additional effort in the morning to "get ready:" make up, outfits-- cute outfits, more specifically--,wearing my hair down, etc. It was exciting to me and a direct result of how I've felt since the piercing. 

I feel as though I'm able to peel back these protective layers I've worn, in more ways than one, for more reasons than one. By shedding these one necessary layers I'm rediscovering and LOVING myself into myself- if that even makes sense.

I cannot not and am not meaning to imply that my having my nose pierced has solely contributed to this NEW feeling of wellness. There is an amazingly long list of things that have conspired amongst the universe to provide this relief. I do know I KNEW the piercing would help me. I'm trying to learn to listen to and not disregard that inner voice, that often whispers the wisest of advice that we can hear.

I read this quote this week about grief that shockingly felt deeply, deeply, deeply related to my ENDOMETRIOSIS and I most definitely plan on seriously blogging on it more deeply tomorrow or maybe Sunday as I feel a little more into it. 

Here is the phrase:

Tearless grief bleeds inward

Reading that quote really struck a strong chord within myself. Since I read it, I've been in a lot of tears (fit many different reasons and occasions), the most I've had in a long time and it feels amazing.

Anyhow, thank you all for reading my blog and for joining me during this journey through the cosmos. I hope those of you that have ENDOMETRIOSIS yourself that you trust your gut when you read things, see things, feel things, even if they seem off the wall and people scoff...I'm not saying, go get your nose pierced, but I am most definitely saying to trust yourself, trust your gut, trust your inner tuition. I think it also helps to talk it out to people that you know will not judge your thoughts, feelings, ideas. One big thing that is of utmost importance in 
OUR healing is:


A biiiiiiiiiig thank you to those of you who do not have ENDOMETRIOSIS who read my blog, I'm really hoping to help show the severe impact that endo has on every aspect in the lives of the women it affects. I hope you've learned a little something. I also really appreciate the amazing amount of LOVE, support and guidance I've received throughout my endo experience.



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