is hard to put in to words how much I enjoyed my latest trek to the ER for endo...**please read the prior sentence with the strongest sarcastic tone possible! Not only did the Urgent Care doctor send me there with scary diagnoses in my mind, and have to wait over three hours to get a bed, but also got a roommate who had cut and severed some tendon in his hand and broken something, so I got to hear him having it reduced and put back together. I also had a very unpleasant nurse. Wow she has a bad attitude! Goodness.
So, I have missed work all week long and aside from moving from the bed back and forth to and from the couch, I have done NOTHING. I feel more awful than I ever have. I have a lot of pain, nausea, vomiting, hot flashes/cold flashes and a very weird restless/shaky/anxious feeling.
Tomorrow I'm going down to meet my PCP, whom I very much respect, and will be applying for a Disability leave of absence from work. I will be taking the train down to Pomona where I left my car FRIDAY!! So hopefully my car is there and hopefully it is an easy day on the Metro...
Hopefully I will be able to write more sooner rather than later...
Sending healing hugs to my Endo Sisters out there!!!
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